This week I am returning to my paints and textures, working on several projects. I am loving it! I don't know about you, but my work output is greatly increased when I am inspired and there is nothing like peeking into other artists' studios to motivate me!
There are as many studio variations as there are artists. Here are a few:
-a studio with an elegant Aubusson carpet sample in the planning

-Studio of Carine de Marin in France

-Various painters at work

-Jackson Pollock at work in his studio

-Studios that are more organized or elegant


-Paint palettes

Then, there is my studio! OK, I admit it. It IS messy, especially right now, in the middle of projects. If I had to clean up after every session, I'd get nothing done!

pigments and colors

my work and class area
For those of you who know me, I always have to have a few plants and flowers around! Above, you will find birds-of-paradise and jasmine vines. This is an oleander passing the winter indoors.

Tell me about your favorite place to work and be inspired!

Original article and pictures take site
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